Bike Fitting


Professional Bike Fitting at Michigan Rehab and Performance

At MRP, your Bike Fitting is performed by a medical professional. While we’re happy to tweak your seat height, we specialize in a much more complex fit than what you’d expect from a local bike shop. Our highly trained therapists delve in to find the root cause of any pain or dysfunction you may be having from an ill-fitting bike. If you’re riding through discomfort caused by previous injuries or movement abnormalities, we can help. Sometimes it’s the smallest changes that make the most profound differences. Our medical approach uncovers exactly what adjustments will make your riding experience one of positioned perfection.

How can a Professional Bike Fitting Help Me?

Whether you’re a cat 2 racer, mountain biker, or a complete novice, a professional bike fitting can make all the difference in the quality of your ride. Better alignment is sometimes the difference of millimeters, but it’s those millimeters that move you toward perfect alignment, reduce stress on the body and increase performance.

What to Expect from a Michigan Rehab and Performance Bike Fitting:

  • Physical therapy evaluation performed by a specialized PT. Be sure to bring your bike and bike gear!

  • Comprehensive muscle and joint assessment

  • Exercise prescription for injury prevention and pain reduction

  • Dynamic and static bike positioning assessment

  • Adjustments for correct positioning of saddle, cleat/pedal, and handlebars

  • Video analysis to detect problems in cycling form

  • Typically involves 1 to 2 visits, lasting 1 to 1.5 hours