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We help active adults and athletes of all ages in the Greater Detroit area get back to the sports and activities they love.

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Is pain holding you back from working out, playing sports, or just being active with friends and family?

Now, imagine how your life would change if you were pain-free and stronger.

Our team at MRP is here to make this dream come to life.

We are here to be your guide along the rehabilitation process.

Unlike other PT clinics, we guarantee you will will work 1-on-1 with a Doctor of Physical Therapy who will listen to you and make a plan based on your specific goals.

Together, we promise not just to get you back to the activities you love, but to get you doing them better than you were before.

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Ready to Get Started?



Book a Call with Our Team

Visit the contact us page and answer a few questions so our team is brought up to speed on your situation, and can reach out as soon as possible.

If you prefer email or text, we can do that too! If you can't wait, contact us now!

During the call, our team will ask you a series of questions to determine how we can best help you. 


Schedule an Initial Assessment

During your assessment a Doctor of Physical Therapy will provide an evaluation, taking into account your history, injury details, and goals.

You will receive a custom plan catered to your specific problem. You’ll also be equipped with specific exercises and hands-on/tool assisted treatment to start mending your problem.

When you leave your initial appointment you will have a clear understanding of what is going on, what caused it, and what to do to improve it. 


Develop and Execute a Plan to Return to Your Active Life

Most people work with us for about 5-10 visits over a 2-3 month period.

When you complete your plan of care with us, you'll be equipped with the skills and knowledge to take control of your health and know exactly what to do to prevent this problem from limiting you in the future.

We will always be here for you if you ever need additional support.

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How the Doctors of Physical Therapy
of Michigan Rehab and Performance
bridge the gap between injury and performance:



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